Stock is primarily grown in forestry tubes and Hiko cells for both convenience and affordability.
Lately we are increasingly growing in larger pot sizes to cater for gardeners, landscapers and developers wanting an instant effect.
Muru Mittigar endeavours to employ and train local indigenous people wherever possible.
Staff training is integral to the success of our organisations with all staff gaining expertise in seed collection, propagation, bush regeneration, and traditional plant usage.
The Muru Mittigar Provenance Nursery propagates plants in the form of trees, shrubs, climbers, grasses and ground covers, specialising in species from the Cumberland Plain of Western Sydney, in addition to the sandstone species of the Blue Mountains and Greater Sydney Basin. These plants are for sale to both wholesale commercial customers and the general public from our retail section.
With the increasing demand of land for housing, habitat is now under more pressure than ever with many species now listed as threatened or endangered under NSW and Commonwealth legislation. The Muru Mittigar Native Nursery ensures that original local species are available for use in rehabilitation projects, council plantings, parklands and increasingly in home gardens, to preserve the gene pool of local native plants.
Our production nursery grows plants for both retail and wholesale customers. Our primary facility, located at Llandilo, can accommodate several hundred thousand plants and meet the supply requirements for a diverse range of plant orders. We cater for:
If your project has specific requirements, we can propagate plants from seed or other plant material supplied to us. Alternatively we will source the required seed or plant material to fulfil to meet your needs.
As the largest Indigenous operated native seed bank in NSW, the Muru Mittigar Native Nursery has a wide range of seed, collected from species endemic to the Cumberland Plain, Blue Mountains and Greater Sydney region.
Wherever possible, seed is collected from vegetation as close to the intended planting project site as possible.
Muru Mittigar holds a 132C Scientific Licence, allowing our qualified staff to collect seed from various properties with permission of the relevant landholder.
All seed is collected, processed and stored in accordance with Florabank guidelines, ensuring best practice, sustainable collection methods. We also specialise in contract seed collection for land management clients.
Please contact us today to discuss the seed collection requirements for your next rehabilitation project.
Get in contactThe business delivers tailored packages to meet individual horticulture project requirements.
Please contact us today to discuss your next horticulture project requirements.
Get in contactThe Muru Mittigar Native Nursery delivers professional Horticultural Consultation services to a range of industries, prior to the development of infrastructure works.
We offer detailed analysis and reporting to assist with the submission of Development Applications, within industries such as construction and building development, public infrastructure, schools, housing and National Parks.
We also offer tailored packages to meet individual horticulture project requirements. such as:
Nursery Manager
Contact Details
T +61 421 111 419
21 Guntawong Road Rouse Hill NSW 2155
Get In Touch
111 Henry Street, Penrith NSW 2750
Make an Appointment
128B Terrybrook Road Llandilo NSW 2747
Get In Touch
111 Henry Street, Penrith NSW 2750
(02) 47 300 400