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For The Classroom: Understanding Reconciliation, Always Was, Always Will Be.

Aboriginal reconciliation refers to the process of acknowledging historical injustices and working towards building respectful relationships between Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Australians and non-Indigenous Australians.

Historically, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have faced significant discrimination, dispossession of land, and loss of culture due to colonisation and government policies. Reconciliation aims to address these past injustices and create a future where Indigenous peoples’ rights, cultures, and contributions are respected and valued.

Here are some key Aboriginal reconciliation questions to explore and discuss in the classroom:

What is Reconciliation?
Reconciliation means making peace between different groups of people. It’s about understanding each other, showing respect and working together.

Who are Aboriginal People?
Aboriginal people are the first people (First Nations) of Australia, who have lived here for thousands and thousands of years. Aboriginal people have their own cultures, languages and traditions.

Why is Reconciliation Important?
Reconciliation is important because of the unfair treatment that occurred in the past. Aboriginal people were treated badly and their land was taken away. Reconciliation helps to make things fairer and build a better future where everyone is respected and treated equally.

Apologising for the Past
Australia’s government has extended a formal apology for the unfair treatment of Aboriginal people in the past. National Sorry Day is a time to extend remorse, understanding and sympathy towards the years of unfair treatment Aboriginal people went through.

Learning Together
Reconciliation involves learning about Aboriginal cultures, histories and traditions. It’s important for everyone to learn and understand each other’s stories.

Respecting Land and Culture
Respecting Aboriginal land and culture is a big part of reconciliation. It means taking care of the land, listening to Aboriginal stories and celebrating their traditions.

Working Together
Reconciliation is about working together as a community. It’s about listening to each other, sharing ideas and making sure everyone has a fair go.

Celebrating Reconciliation
Reconciliation Week is celebrated every year in Australia. It’s a time to learn more about Aboriginal cultures, attend events and show support for reconciliation.

In essence, Aboriginal reconciliation is about acknowledging, promoting understanding and respect and working towards a shared future based on justice, equality and reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Aboriginal culture is incredibly resilient and continues to maintain strong connections to ancient traditions and spiritual beliefs.

To learn more about incorporating Aboriginal Culture and Education into your school or workplace, please contact our head office at or (02) 47 300 400.


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